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Bloodhound puppies


We are expecting bloodhound puppies at the end of January 2015 and they will be looking for owners since end of March. Parents
Dorotka z Boskovických lesů & Gopala of Joyful Happiness are very successful dogs, with great characters and beautiful exteriors. For more details, please visit our website:

Dorotka: Excellent, rCAC, CAC, National Winner 2014
Gopala: Czech JUNIORCHAMPION, CAJC, BOB, BOJ, VI class FCI – 1st place, CAC, CACIB, BIG - 1st place, rCACIB, National Winner 2014, European dog show 2014 - excellent, CAC. Hounds hunting test 3rd place.

Kategorie: Welpen zu kaufen
Ahnentafel: Mit Papieren
Hunderasse: Bloodhound (084)
Geschlecht: Rüde, Hündin
Geburtsdatum: 31.01.2015
Preis: Vorschlagen


Kontaktperson: Portelechi Florin
Telefon: +420775625902
Webseite: http://bloodhoundfamily.webnode.com/
Ort: Tschechische Republik
Land: Tschechische Republik

Tschechische Republik

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